The Gains of Sharing a Student Apartment with a Roommate

Many students are apprehensive about sharing a university room with a stranger. Sharing student housing, especially for international students, can be a difficult endeavor. After all, you have no idea if they will share your values or have similar interests.

They may not share your musical tastes or be unaware of your love for dogs. However, there are numerous advantages to living with a roommate. If you’re on the fence about sharing a room at monash student accommodation, here are several compelling reasons to do so.

Bigger Social Network 

It’s always a good idea to share a room at university, especially if you’re studying abroad. This way, you’ll make new friends quickly and have an easier time settling in. If all of your new flatmates are from different nations, you’ll have a blast figuring out and exploring the new city together. Even better, your social media presence will skyrocket. Their acquaintances will become your acquaintances, and your acquaintances will become theirs. Don’t worry if your friendships only continue till the end of your university career. You will create lifelong friends as well as friends from all around the world.

monash university accomodation

Easy Help 

Even if you don’t have the same major or study the same topics, sharing a room at university doesn’t mean you can’t help each other out. If you’re writing an essay, ask your roommate to proofread it for you. Are you working on a large project? Your roommate might become your new go-to person for bouncing ideas off. Isn’t it true that two heads are better than one?

Workout Buddy 

It is essential to have a healthy body in order to maintain a healthy mind. The hectic college lifestyle takes up a lot of time, making it difficult to get to the gym and achieve those improvements. Then you’ll have a built-in lifting partner, which is fantastic news. Everyone understands that working out with a gym partner is preferable to working out alone since you have someone to urge you along and encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle.

Now assume that one of your flatmates works part-time at one of the greatest local clothes boutiques. If you play your cards right, you might be able to get everything at an employee discount and save even more money by sharing a flat. If your flatmate works in a restaurant, you’ll have plenty of options for meals on days when you don’t feel like cooking.