Month: May 2018

Recreation at Airports

Recreation at Airports

Air travel is gaining more and more popularity as it gets affordable. When we think of air travel, we associate it with the place we’re going to travel to via flight. Most of us don’t appreciate the airport itself as an attraction or a place of recreation. Regardless, airports around the world are progressively becoming fun places that people enjoy and not just come to board an airplane.  Airports ease the anxieties accompanying travel and entertain us while we’re waiting for our flight.

Airlines conventionally have three travel classes based on the seating arrangements and luxuries available, to cater to the needs of different classes of people. These are First Class, Business Class, and Economy Class.

  • First Class is generally the most expensive and has the most luxurious facilities available.
  • Business Class is also called Executive Class and is commonly purchased by business travellers. It is also of high-class quality.
  • Premium Economy is of a marginally higher class than that of Economy. Seating arrangement is more distanced apart.

Economy Class is also known as Travel Class and is mostly used by travellers on vacations. It has basic accommodation facilities.

New Delhi to Mumbai Flights Schedul

Airport restaurants and food courts generally offer regional cuisines for passengers allowing them to get a feel of the local food and culture without having to leave the airport. Some airports have hotels attached to the building. Airport hotels have become popular due to their convenience for passengers’ lodging and easy accessibility to the terminal. Features in airports like movies, bowling, butterfly gardens, skating rinks, libraries, paintings, and virtual reality golf for leisure are becoming very popular.

Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) is the busiest airport in the country in terms of passenger traffic and is known for handling as many as 40 million passengers per year. The new terminal T3 has two levels, upper level for departures and the lower for arrivals. It serves both international and domestic flights. IGIA hosts six domestic carriers and 56 international carriers.

ChhatrapatiShivaji International Airport, earlier known as Sahar International Airport, is the international airport in Mumbai, India. The airport is named after the Maratha emperor, ChatrapatiShivaji. It is the second busiest airport in the country with respect to total international passenger traffic after Delhi. The airport is also the second busiest in the country in terms of cargo traffic. The airport has three terminals and manages about 850 airplanes per day. Mumbai T2 terminal is one of the most stylish airports in the world with almost all kinds of facilities. T2 has four levels, the first one being for ground transport; second one for arrivals, third for domestic departures, and fourth for international departures. Mumbai Airport’s art exhibition is the largest in the world, comprising 6,000 works of art. There is also a pharmacy inside T2 in case you forgot your medication. T2 also has trained therapy dogs that you can cuddle up to!

These two airports are the most marvellous airports in India and are must-visit places. So, catch a flight from New Delhi to Mumbai and witness the creations! The New Delhi to Mumbai Flights Schedule is available on many websites.

Vacation Tips For Married Couples

Married соuрlеѕ еnсоuntеr problems frоm tіmе tо tіmе аnd whеn thеѕе рrоblеmѕ rеmаіn unrеѕоlvеd it соuld thrеаtеn thе mаrrіаgе. Mаrіtаl рrоblеmѕ ѕhоuld nоt bе tаkеn fоr grаntеd аnd соuрlеѕ ѕhоuld fіnd a wау tо resolve thеm аѕ ѕооn аѕ роѕѕіblе. Thе mоrе уоu іgnоrе, thе greater thе роѕѕіbіlіtу thаt уоu аnd уоur spouse mау nоt bе оn gооd tеrmѕ fоr a whіlе, go for Florida vacation packages for couples.

Bеіng соnсеrnеd аbоut thе dаіlу routine саn prevent уоu frоm sitting dоwn аnd talking аbоut thіngѕ. Sоmеtіmеѕ, іf уоu fіnd thе tіmе tо tаlk, уоu саn bоth bе ѕtrеѕѕеd bу уоur dаіlу rеѕроnѕіbіlіtіеѕ.

If уоu аnd уоur partner аrе іn thіѕ situation, іt wоuld bе a good іdеа tо mаkе a ѕhоrt vасаtіоn wіthоut children, іf роѕѕіblе. Thіѕ wоuld bе уоur сhаnсе tо ѕреnd a rеlаxіng tіmе tоgеthеr аnd solve рrоblеmѕ іn уоur mаrrіаgе. Whеn соuрlеѕ аrе соmmіttеd tо making thеіr marriage lаѕt, thеу nееd tо fіnd a wау tо gеt tо thе root оf thе рrоblеm аnd commit tо ѕtrеngthеnіng thеіr rеlаtіоnѕhір.

Whеn рlаnnіng уоur Florida vacation packages for couples, decide оn a dаtе whеn bоth аrе free. It саn еvеn bе a ѕресіаl dаtе, ѕuсh аѕ уоur раrtnеr’ѕ birthday оr уоur wedding anniversary.

Aѕ fоr thе рlасе, сhооѕе a package thаt fits уоur budget. It саn bе a memorable рlасе fоr bоth оf уоu, аѕ a honeymoon venue іf уоur fundѕ аllоw іt оr whаtеvеr уоu lіkе tо visit аnd еxрlоrе. Hоwеvеr, іf уоur budgеt іѕ lіmіtеd, уоu саn gо tо a nearby рlасе оr book a hоtеl іn уоur аrеа. Yоur gоаl іѕ tо bе аlоnе tоgеthеr tо ѕоlvе thіngѕ.

Anоthеr орtіоn іѕ tо bе wіth a couple whо іѕ nearby durіng hоlіdауѕ. Thеn уоu саn jоіn a couple’s rеtrеаt thаt оffеrѕ group аnd thеrару activities. Thіѕ wіll hеlр tо ореn уоur еуеѕ tо whаt оthеr couples аrе gоіng thrоugh іn уоur marriage.

Bеfоrе уоu gо, mаkе ѕurе уоu оnlу tаlk аbоut marital рrоblеmѕ аnd whаt уоu саn dо tо ѕоlvе thеm durіng уоur vacation. Remember, dо nоt talk аbоut сhіldrеn, wоrk, аnd рrеvіоuѕ dіѕаgrееmеntѕ. If уоu саn, thіnk оf роѕѕіblе ѕоlutіоnѕ tо hеlр ѕоlvе рrоblеmѕ durіng уоur аbѕеnсе.

Durіng уоur ѕресіаl vасаtіоn, fіnd thе tіmе tо еnjоу thе sights оnсе уоu hаvе fіnіѕhеd thе dіѕсuѕѕіоnѕ. Thіѕ wіll hеlр thеm rеlаx аnd hаvе mеmоrаblе аnd іntіmаtе moments thаt mау hаvе bееn lоѕt fоr a whіlе due tо thеіr hесtіс dаіlу ѕсhеdulе. Vіѕіt thе рlасе аnd vіѕіt thе рlасеѕ уоu hаvе visited іn thе раѕt іf уоu аrе іn аn оld рlасе. It’ѕ уоur оffісіаl lіаіѕоn tіmе, ѕо еnjоу іt.

Fіnаllу, соmmіt tо ѕtrеngthеnіng аnd rebuilding уоur mаrrіаgе. Lооk іn thе раѕt, but dо nоt forget tо еnjоу thе рrеѕеnt аnd уоur future tоgеthеr. Communication іѕ vital whеn уоu spend уоur precious mоmеntѕ, but уоu аrе nеvеr unaware оf іtѕ іmроrtаnсе іn уоur dаіlу lіfе.

Tour Game of Thrones Dubrovnik Locations

Game of Thrones walking tour is popular in Croatia, as a private television series was filmed in the heritage sites of Dubrovnik. Since then, it has become a theme tour location in Croatia. It is advisable to book your Dubrovnik tour in advance online. You can get some discounts and offers. Croatia is a tourist friendly place. It has excellent tourist amenities and facilities. It is the best for game of throne series lovers to take a tour to the entire game of thrones filming locations in Croatia. It will be better to read some Dubrovnik game of thrones blogs and reviews online to know better about this TV series.

Things to do in Dubrovnik

  • Visit King’s landing location
  • Revelin Square
  • Walls of Dubrovnik
  • Jesuit stairs Dubrovnik
  • Zarkovica hill
  • Visit Pile Gate
  • St Dominic Street Dubrovnik

You can recollect the games of thrones Dubrovnik scenes after visiting this place, where real shooting was taken place. You can get the Dubrovnik game of thrones locations map online. You can note them well to know much about this location.

Duration of Dubrovnik Walking Tour

The Game of Thrones walking tour is available here daily. It hardly takes a 2-hour time to complete this walking tour in Dubrovnik. It depends on how speed you can walk and climb the steps and un-even terrain. The people with arthritis problems are not advisable to come for this kind of walking tour. This is like a historic and adventure tour based on a TV series, which became a popular destination to tour for that TV series lovers.

Guided Game of Thrones Tour in Dubrovnik

The Game of Thrones walking tour with a professional guide will be better to take. You can know the facts and the TV series scenes taken from the heritage and cultural locations in Dubrovnik. You must check in advance with your travel ad tour operator for a guided tour. It is advisable to hire an English-speaking guide with you.

Dubrovnik Croatia Weather

The best time to visit Dubrovnik is from March to October in a year. This place comes under the Mediterranean climate zone. It is advisable to come in the summer season than the cold winter seasons in Croatia.

How to reach Dubrovnik?

Dubrovnik Airport is just 12-miles away from the Dubrovnik city, Croatia. You can get a taxi to visit this old and new town areas. Locally, you can find boat services too.

Game of Thrones walking tour is popular since the HBO channel series was shot in this place. You must book Dubrovnik hotels in Croatia in advance, as this place is always busy with international tourists. It will be better to book the best game of thrones tour Dubrovnik. Their all-inclusive pack will include food, stay and travel. You can be away from the last hour rush by booking online in advance. Dubrovnik is a UNESCO site in Croatia for preserving its rich heritage and culture.

A Perfect Choice for Your New Year’s Eve Present

Modern suitcase with high durability

In the next period of New Year’s Eve, people tend to prepare the best present for their lovely person. One of the excellent choices is a suitcase; it brings a happiness to have the new one while preparing your vacation. Suitcase options can be varied, from small to large size, colorful with blue,red, or black and with different options of materials. Among all those options, the most fantastic aerolite suitcase for present is Aero MAX ABS Hard-shell 22x14x9”.

This luggage is the best one since it has all the benefits that you will have from a premium luggage with more expensive cost. First, it’s made with a hard shell cover in a grey stripe style. The hard shell protects everything you carry inside this suitcase. This shell made froma strong composite of ABS material in a lightweight design. Empty weight is only taking about 6.17 pounds make it very light to accompany your long journey.

The next benefit is the four rotating wheels with maximum 360-degree maneuver for the flexibility to move in every direction. Therefore, this could become a fantastic aerolite suitcase  for present, especially for someone love to walk. You are able to track with almost all types of road, from an airport sidewalk up to beach coast shopping store road.

fantastic aerolite suitcase  for present

Another feature you will get from this suitcase is the option to expand the handle. You can adjust it to your height level, and grab it in more comfortable step along the way. This handle made of a high-quality material for a strong carry load, which can be adjusted in two levels of height, which makes it also very easy for children to use it.

The other cool feature is the padlock set that secure your things inside, so you don’t have to worry if you left your suitcase in the concierge area. Your own secret combination of padlock enables you to make a private key for your suitcase. The zipper itself made from the best quality line, thus making a very good combination with the padlock.

The last thing is about the 5 years warranty given from the manufacturer. This warranty will cover the damage occurs during shipment such as the reparation of a component damage caused by shipment activity. Then whenever you received this suitcase in damage condition for zipper, padlock, handle, and wheels, you could claim for a replacement to the manufacturer.

If you plan to give this aerolite suitcase as a present for someone who would like to have an international traveling destination, then you have to consider this Aero Max suitcase become an option. This suitcase is good for carrying on option in International flight such as American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Airlines and JetBlue Airlines.

Must-pack Essential Items for All Kinds of Travels

Traveling is the most fulfilling activity you could ever ask for. To be able to record it and share with the world is another thing. Travel blog is an extraordinary online travel diary for travelers around the world. You can update your blog anywhere in the world. Updating has never been easy.

If you are into travel blogging, it is crucial that you carry the right things to make your entries fun and exciting for all. There are different types of travel bloggers specialising in different types of travel. Knowing from experts will give you ideas of how to do things better than anyone else. Here are the must-pack items of travel bloggers:

Adventure travel

Traveling with backpack

Adventure travel is not for all. You need all the strength you need to endure even high-risk activities to pursue that thrill and rush. Adventure travels include mountaineering, bungee jumping, canoeing, scuba diving, kayaking, rafting, zip-lining, paragliding, and rock climbing. If you are into this, the most indispensable item is the GoPro. This camera will surely capture your greatest moments. There is no need to carry towels because it is just a waste of space. Most hostels, apartments and even camper vans provide towels.

Food travel

Many people these days travel to taste the culture. These people are called foodies. If you are a foodie, there is one thing that you should never ignore and start packing – chopsticks. This is a measure to protect yourself. It is not about the food but sometimes the cutleries are not properly sanitized. If you see cutleries that are not up to your standards, it is time that you use your chopsticks. You will get strange looks but it will be worth it at the end of the day. It is important that you canny medicine but remember that most countries have basic medicines also.

Family travel

If you are keen on bringing the family to create moments together, do not forget ziplock bags. Ziplock bags are best for carrying food snacks. This is best if you are bringing the kids along. These bags are also perfect to prevent spilling of many products and it can also pack the dirty items. To save luggage space, do not bring towels.

Weekend travel

For people with a hectic schedule, traveling is not possible. If it is possible, they only have the weekends to travel. If you are a weekend traveler, it is important that you pack lightly. You just need one pair of jeans. Just invest in different tops as well as accessories. Do not bring two pairs of shoes.

Budget travel

Traveling does need to be expensive. For these travelers, it starts with avoiding the baggage fees. This means that they carry few clothing items with them. A portable laundry pop-up basket can make a difference. If you can find a portable laundry basket that can also be a hamper, it can greatly help you. Do not try to bring an umbrella because it can take too much space. The prudent thing to do is pack a lightweight jacket that can keep you warm or prevent you from getting wet.

Top 10 Destinations For Safari In Rajasthan

Rajasthan’s unique landform has made it the place for different styles of safari. You ought to understand that Rajasthan is not just desert. It is a mixture of desert, lush forest, hill station, urban cities and much more. Here are the top destinations to visit in Rajasthan for safari experience.

Ranthambore National Park

This is the icon of safari experience in Rajasthan State. This is the lush natural reserve forest region located in Sawai Madhopur district. Almost all luxury trains that scale Rajasthan include safari in Ranthambore in the itineraries. Top safaris to enjoy in this park are jeep safari and canter safari. This is the best place to spot tigers, sambars, leopards, sloth bear, chitals and numerous colorful tropical and migration birds.

Sariska Tiger Reserve

As the name indicates, this is the right place to enjoy spotting tiger. Due to the population of tigers, the only safari available here is jeep safari. Apart from tigers, you can spot monkeys, antelope, hares, deer, golden jackal, serpent eagle, golden backed woodpecker, bush quail and much more.

Desert National Sanctuary

This is one of the largest parks in the country and true to its name, it includes sand dunes, salt lakes and other desert formations. This is the best place to enjoy desert animals and birds like lagger falcons, hedgehogs, Bengal foxes, black buck, desert cats, wolves, vultures, eagles and much more. Enjoy jeep safari here to enjoy the park.

Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary

This is another important national park in the state focused on birdwatching. This tourist spot is famous for its avian population and it is a heritage site. With 370 different species of birds, you can enjoy the top-notch birdwatching experience here. You can enjoy a trip through the park with bicycle, rickshaw or boat safari.

Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary

This is a lush vegetation region located in Kumbhalgarh. The region is famous for animals like sloth bear, deer, nilgai, jungle cat, hares, antelopes and much more. You can rarely spot Asiatic Lion and cheetals here. Enjoy jeep or canter safari in this region.

Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary

Mount Abu wildlife sanctuary which is located in the hill station in this desert sate. This sanctuary is filled with rocks and the animals live in the cavities and cracks in the rocks. You ought to enjoy jeep safari or other vehicle trips to enjoy spotting leopard, mongoose, porcupine, pangolin, wild boars, foxes, tigers and others. You can find around 250 species of birds in this region.

Darrah National Park

This is a small national park located near Kota. This park allows tourists to take jeep safari to spot tigers and other large mammals. There are a few historic monuments inside the park too. If you do not want the same jeep safari, you can trek through the forest to visit these monuments or spot small mammals.

Sitamata Wildlife Sanctuary

This is the sanctuary to spot birds and a few mammals. Apart from numerous bird species, this is the place to spot flying squirrel, pangolin, fox, jackal, jungle cat, caracal, hyena and leopard. Take up jeep safari or other vehicle safari to enjoy the park.

National Chambal Sanctuary

This is a unique style of sanctuary, which focuses on the aquatic species. You ought to spot Ganges river dolphin of this region. Take a boat safari to spot dolphins, turtles and fish species. Take jeep safari to spot hyena, otter, Indian wolf, mugger crocodile and much more.

Mukundara Tiger Reserve

This reserve is another best place for spotting tigers. The place holds more than 50 tiger species. Take up jeep safari to spot tigers and other animals like panthers, wolves, chinkaras and much more.

Do not blindly choose a wildlife sanctuary. Before visiting the site, learn about the best time to visit, visiting hours, safari options and others. It is usually better to visit these regions during winter or early summer. Some parks are at prime beauty during peak summer as the heat would have dried all the grasses in the region to provide a clear view and, since the water holes would have dried up, large mammals including tigers would come up to the main water source to quench their thirst.

Check railway time table online with ease

Check railway time table online with ease

Since the introduction of train excursions and travel back in 1853, Indian Railways has been reviving and innovating since then. Throughout the years, it has actually come a long way now beginning from the introduction of locomotives to electric express trains, superfast trains and so. The authorities have actually modernized the way of reservations and booking of tickets and online services are been available to make the process easy, convenient and smooth for all the passengers and travellers. In spite of different reservation counters available at different parts of the country, the rail network has introduced a bold feature and made everything smooth and convenient for the ease of department as well as travellers.

Railway time table

With such advanced facilities and services attainable these days, getting rail reservation has actually become simple and hassle free as compared to earlier availability of services at only platforms and stations. With the introduction of latest technology and growth in the rail department, rail travel has actually become simple for almost everyone. The growth and evolvement in everyone’s lives have made access to the availability of information smooth and easy. People can get access to all updates and details online without any trouble, just by sitting at the comfort and convenience of everyone. Even, access to Railway time table online has simplified process of booking tickets, know about latest schedule and running information of trains and so pretty much simpler and convenient. It lets people know about so many things at the same time like seats, routes, trains availability, trains schedule, along with special package offers as well that could fit within your pocket range.

IRCTC is the reliable and efficient platform offering details about trains, their schedules, running status and more. People can get access to Railway time table over the same, know about the trains running in between stations, their route, running days and schedule and as per the suitability, can plan their travel by checking out the seats in them, get bookings within time and so. Getting confirmed reservations in the train is been very helpful and easy online and most of all, it saves those valuable hours that get usually spent earlier by being at railway station, and standing there in long queues at counters in order to seek for the information from personnel there. Along with saving of time, money is also saved these days in order to get bookings online as nothing needs to be given to travel agents and so at all in terms of commission or fees or likewise. Even, no more people have to call at enquiry offices and so in order to ask for the timings and updates and more. Checking up online time table of trains is been a solution now of so many problems now so simply check out the same and have a safe and hassle free.

Five Advantages of Staying in a Holiday Cottage

Choosing to take a holiday in the UK (or, as they call it these days, a staycation), has been increasing in popularity more and more in the last few years. There are quite a few advantages in going on holiday in your home country, as opposed to visiting somewhere else in Europe. Forget waiting hours at the airport – just pack up your car and go! That’s a much easier, hassle-free holiday experience.

Of course, even if you’re staying in the UK, accommodation can be a large decision. It is likely to consume a large chunk of your budget, and will significantly affect the quality of the vacation, too. There are two main options available: The first is looking for a place like a resort or a hotel, and the second is to rent a holiday cottage. In my experience, a holiday cottage is most often the best choice – and there are a few reasons for that. Here are five of them:


A lot of people seem to think space isn’t that much of an important factor when you’re on vacation, but I disagree. If you’re a family of four members or more, renting a large vacation cottage can be an excellent choice. Not only it’ll be affordable, you’ll also be sure that there’s enough space for everyone. The parents will have their privacy, and the kids will have room to play indoors if they’d like. Most other types of accommodation will quickly get cramped and uncomfortable.


Usually, hotels don’t have a kitchen that guests can use. This means you have to buy the majority of your meals, which can be expensive. Holiday cottages, on the other hands, will usually have a great kitchen, with all utensils you might need to cook magnificent meals, including plates, crockery and cooking equipment for everybody who’s staying with you. It also allows for some family time during meals, which can be a nice thing on a holiday. You’ll likely have better quality food than if you were getting takeaways, and end up saving money, too! Of course, you can treat yourself to a meal or a few on some local pubs or restaurants, but it’s nice to have another option, right?


Most holiday cottages have plenty of amenities – especially washers and dryers. This way, you can do your washing yourself, for free. Hotels, instead, will charge you and actually keep people from doing it there and searching for laundromat on other places, which can be a trouble.

Holiday cottages usually have a fully equipped kitchen, cosy bedrooms and comfy seating areas as well, not to mention other nice facilities like swimming pools, hot tubs, games rooms, four-poster beds and open or log fires.


While resorts tend to have good entertainment, they don’t tend to provide much with regard to the in-room enjoyment kids like these days. In a holiday cottage, you have access to your own TV with cable, with no need to pay additional. IF you want to watch a movie, you can simply get a DVD, so there’s no need to pay hotel rates for something as simple as a film. Some even have video games, which will keep kids entertained on days the weather is bad.


This is probably the biggest problem with hotels: You don’t have privacy. No matter where you go, you’re going to find other people. When we’re on vacation, we’re often looking for some peace and quiet, which can be hard to get in a resort. When you rent a holiday cottage, you’ll have much more privacy, and likely not even notice you have a neighbour. This does wonders if you want to relax and get some peace and quiet on your vacation.

There’s nothing worse than being on a vacation to relax and having to deal with noisy, rude hotel room neighbours, or getting woken up by a guest banging their door. In a self-catering holiday cottage, you’ll won’t have to worry about that – you’ll enjoy the freedom and privacy that holidays are all about.

Broad range of taxi services are offered

The transfer rate includes the services like luggage delivery, passenger insurance, and delayed flights. We have a commitment to a broad range of taxi services. All the taxi drivers can understand the English language. They can give you tips, advice or any other additional information which you require. You can book your transfer at any time of the day or just before two hours your plane touches the ground at  Bulgaria burgas airport. The first quoted price is always fixed and the rates cannot be changed. We do not take extra charge to wait for you if the flight is delayed. The returning customers and the clients who visit for the corporate or business trips are provided with special discounts.

Expenses and VAT:

You can call or message us via Whatsapp or Viber. Both the cars and minibusses are offered by us depending on your requirement. There is no need to wait for the other passengers as we offer the private taxi transfers. You can have a great comfort and convenience in a private vehicle. All the prices will include the expenses and VAT as there are no hidden payments. You can choose the air-condition settings and music in the vehicles depending on your choice. The payments are accepted via PayPal, bank transfer, and master card. You need not look for a car transfer when you arrive at the airport as the drivers will meet you from your flight. The number of passengers and pieces of luggage should be mentioned in the form along with the along with flight number and pick up location.

Business trips:

We are very particular about the airport schedules and we also if the flight has been delayed. Once you touch down the airport, our green taxi Sofia driver will be waiting for you. He will meet you with a name card and helps you to take the luggage to the car. We not only provide the sightseeing day trips but also the business trips and many more. If you want to know about the requirements then you can contact us so that we will send you a quote. We are reputed in providing the professional and comfortable transportation services to your destination. You can book your return trip also and get some attractive discounts offered by our company. Our friendly drivers are cruising in and out of the airport every day to cater the new clients. There are many benefits if you look forward to making your transfer.

Preparing A Budget For A Trip To Russia To Watch The World Cup

The FIFA World Cup is undoubtedly one of the most exciting worldwide sports events. While getting to watch World Cup online with VPN is thrilling, getting to watch the matches in person provides an even more significant thrill. However, the total costs of travel, stay, and game tickets will cost you a pretty penny. Planning a trip to watch the world cup in Russia requires adequate planning and accurate budgeting.

Flight tickets

Before buying the round-trip flight to Russia and back home, you have to estimate the number of days you will be there. The farther you are from Russia, the more likely you are going to spend more on flight tickets. Flights from Europe are relatively cheaper than America with Australia being the more expensive. As an alternative, you should check whether connecting flights is less expensive than a one-way ticket or find ways of reducing the cost of long-haul flights such as using frequent flier miles.


Accommodation costs for your stay in Russia largely depend on what forms of accommodation you want. You will find countless hotels, hostels, and Airbnb to choose from. It is advisable to work with your cumulative budget and select the best option without having to strain your budget or the quality of your accommodation. You should aim to choose a city with the best accommodation price option since different cities host the matches. Ideally, book your accommodation before the games begin since prices increase tremendously as the premiere draws closer.

Travel in between the cities

You ought to find out the best modes of ground transportation for when you get to Russia in order to avoid being ripped off or overspending. You will be happy to note that Russia will offer free bus and train transportation between host cities for the world cup ticket holders. Check whether Uber rides are more efficient than taxi rides as chances are you will need them for moving around. Another cost-effective option might be to use car rentals. Get yourself a FIFA Fan-ID that allows you a visa-free entry into Russia during the time of the world cup and guarantees you free transportation by bus or train between host cities on match days.

Match tickets

The FIFA random selection draw will get only a selected number of people game tickets. Nevertheless, if you aren’t lucky enough to get chosen in the first lot, you can always wait for the second and third phases of ticket sales. Keep in mind that all tickets are provided fairly on a first-come-first-serve basis. The match tickets are priced depending on the game levels with the finals costing the most. Since the tickets are sold cheaper to Russian residents as opposed to non-residents, you should also consider looking for direct ticket sales people or through Russian online forms.

The Bottomline

While traveling to Russia for the 2018 World Cup might be an expensive and extravagant venture, you can adequately manage your expenditure by planning out your budget in advance. Extensive research on the factors listed in this article should help develop an accurate budget for the trip to watch the 2018 FIFA World Cup.